Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mike Parsons, Toronto legend! Big up Big up. I always pay Mike a visit when Im in Toronto. Check his art I bet you will be stoked.

The Mate

Hahahahaha. Who dosent like boobies?

Your Mom is your Dad.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Skate and Deploy

The skating side of the telus festival. Some cereal boarding going down in the underground of the
Telus conference center. Klinkhammer kills the QP. Peep it!!

Get Real Crew At Grenade Games

Some of the sickest shredding at the Grenade Games this year! My best friend Scotty Newmans B-day  happened to be on the same day. We were partying! Such a fun day. Check us out at 0.57 seconds into this edit. Party!!!!! Good Times. 

Monday, April 27, 2009

Hogan and Wes

Two of my good friends killing the Whistler park!

Check Hogans ender, Whaaaa? hahaha

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Robin Macdonald


My friend Robin Macdonald is a male escort. You can usually find him at The Savage Beagle hustling. Robin also takes some serious photos when he puts his mind to it. Robin and I met up last week to hit a spot here in Whistler. He hates the photo but I think its pretty cool. Thanks Robin!  Peep it. 

Day in the park

This was my first day ever shooting with the one and only Dano Pendygrasse and I really like that guy. He is by far the best photographer I have ever worked with. Such a sick day got so much done. Thanks to Rob Picard and Dano for making this day as sick as it was. 

PS Robjin and Mark are killing it. 

Yo! I fucking made a blog.

Peep It! I decided to make a BLOG just for the hell of it. Maybe to expose myself and my friends? So Peep It from time to time and I bet you'll like itttttttttt.

Love, Dan Stubbs.